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Abattage à Blainville

Voici une liste à prévoir avant l'abattage d'un arbre.

  • Avez-vous besoin d'un permis ?

  • Devez-vous replanter suite à un abattage ?

  • Avez-vous besoin d'enlever la souche

  • Avez-vous vérifié que l'arbre vous appartient

  • Avez-vous vérifié si l'arbre est dans la haute tension d'Hydro-Québec ?

  • Voulez-vous garder les buches ?

  • Si votre arbre est près de la ligne de propriété avez-vous discuté avec votre voisin pour savoir s'il autorise les travailleurs à passer sur leur terrain.


Pourquoi choisir pour votre abattage à Blainville

The following are faults or indicators of possible faults / risks in rural trees.

1. Recent construction, ground leveling and tree felling, deforestation for residential development purposes

2. Tree breakage in the area

3. Tree that leans near a potential target

4. Trunk dividing into two stems of the same dimensions

5. Soggy and shallow soil



Nos services d'abattage à Blainville

Tree Risk Checklist Questions to ask yourself:
• Are there large dead branches in the tree?
• Are any broken branches hanging in the tree?
• Is there rot or cavities in the trunk or in the main branches?
• Are there fungi at the base of the tree?
• Are there cracks in the trunk or at the base of the branches?
• Have any branches fallen from the tree recently?
• Have any nearby trees fallen or died?
• Does the trunk have a strong inclination?
• Are several main branches emerging from the trunk at the same height?
• Have any roots been broken or damaged by ground leveling, paving or excavation work?
• Has the land undergone recent changes due to construction, raising of the ground or laying of lawns?
• Did the leaves change color prematurely or change size?
• Have trees been felled in neighboring woodlands?
• Has the tree been topped or severely pruned?


As tree safety has become in a few years a major concern in several municipalities, we offer prevention interventions associated with trees adapted to each problem according to three levels 

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